Monday, March 17, 2008


I know it might sound somewhat blasphemous to some people out there who play VS, but I still play MTG, and recently, with no people to play VS against, I have gotten slightly more into MTG than usual. With that being said, I do like VS more, but MTG is easier to play as there are actually people who play it where I currently am. It isn't that I want to play MTG more, but it just ends up being easier for me. On my vacation, I was able to play some VS with my cousin who plays occasionally. It was also difficult because he had school to deal with and with that, I couldn't play much. Generally, I kick his ass with my decks, but he was able to beat my RS deck with his Kree, mostly because of his playing most of the resource row disruption tricks. I think that was one of the few losses with my decks against his, like ever. My DE wrecked his MoE deck, allowing him to think he had done okay, but then annihilating him at the end (which is what my DE deck does well). Still, that was the only time I was able to play VS this year, except for against myself. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to try to convert these MTG players or how to find more VS players? I played one or two games against a couple of them, they semi-understand the rules, but without my extras, I don't want to give them one of my good decks to keep, and they probably aren't really going to want to buy a lot of cards to try and get into VS.

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