Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, my computer died sometime between Friday and Saturday, and while it is up and running again, I did lose a whole lot of stuff stored in programs. I may have my files, but not things like my New and Improved Pawns deck. I'll try and rebuild it, but it is annoying, since I was able to get something like 5 9/9's on 5 or something. Gah, I can't even remember anymore.

Anyway, Spidey has a New Avengers (although for some reason with an extra New) version that is similar in some ways to the one I created a long time ago (in that they are both 2-drops). Meh, I do like him, but not that he is hard to get.

I'm definitely looking forward to World War Hulk 5 coming out this week and Hulk's battle with the Sentry. My friend loved the line in WWH 1, when Spidey says that he felt Hulk was the third most powerful being on Earth, falling behind Sentry and Black Bolt. Then Hulk took out Black Bolt. Although I am scared that it is going to disappoint me. I already am disappointed in that Hulk doesn't kill Iron Man (he still lives in New Avengers: Illuminati 5, which takes place after WWH), so I am scared to see if Hulk actually wins. I really want him to, but seeing as Marvel is not wanting my sides to win (Cap's side mostly, but I do like Annihilus and Thanos although I do like Super Skrull and Drax more), I'm guessing either Sentry wins the battle or Hulk wins and then leaves or something. Probably the first, but we'll see.

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