Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Comics Coming Out 1/12

Well, here we go for comics this week!

Chaos War Dead Avengers #3 (of 3)

Chaos War gets to me, but some of the minis were good. I did enjoy seeing some dead characters come back to life to fight one more time. It's kind of cool. Something that gets to me is why Ant Man isn't there. Why is Scott Lang not there? He was an Avenger and died. Oh well. The series was okay. There was mostly bitching going on between the characters. Maybe because all of the Avengers that died were the ones that were disagreeable or annoying. Sigh...

Deadpool #31

God, this Way arc is annoying. I hate when people call vampires Draculas. It's a pet peeve. Dracula was a vampire, not another name for vampire. Deadpool isn't dumb enough that he'd think they were called Draculas and not idiotic enough to realize that they were really called vampires. Deadpool's intelligence rises and falls so much throughout Way's writing that it really annoys me.

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