Thursday, February 28, 2008


Recently, when I was on Realms, I saw a post for a humorous eBay auction. I decided to check it out. It was for 90 of the MOR Rogue, Power Absorption. Yes, 90 of them. With 90, I could build 22 decks with full Rogue in them and still have 2 left over. Do I really need that many? No. But, at 27 cents a Rogue, I decided to buy them. What the heck? It's only $24. But, I still don't need that many, and they are good for Modern and Silver Age, with the reprint from MVL. So, I have decided to give away some of my Rogues to people who actually want them.

All you have to do is pay the shipping, and I will send you anywhere from 1-4 Rogues. Supplies last for a limited time and none of the foreign Rogues will be given away. Maybe the foil will, but maybe not. We shall see. If you click on the button above, you can pay for your shipping. Just let me know how much you have sent and approximately when, so I'll know you actually paid shipping.

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